Science Fiction Retrospective

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The Chronicles of Riddick

Released: 2004 Director: David Twohy Running time: 119 mins. Rated: R

Stars: Vin Diesel, Judi Dench, Colm Feore, Thandi Newton, Karl Urban, Alexa Davalos

Before the Fast and The Furious franchise exploded Vin Diesel had many versatile roles. One such role was Riddick. The second in the trilogy, the 2004 film The Chronicles of Riddick was directed by David Twohy and is the sequel to the 2000 film "Pitch Black" following Riddick, who is now facing off against an even more powerful and deadly enemy. The Chronicles of Riddick is an action-packed sci-fi adventure that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Starring Vin Diesel, this film is a high-octane thrill ride through a galaxy filled with danger, betrayal, and incredible action sequences.

With the universe expanded, Riddick finds himself in the middle of a war between two factions, the Necromongers and the surviving members of the planet Helion Prime. The stakes are high, and the action is non-stop as Riddick battles his way through hordes of enemies and helping the underdog.

The visuals in this film are absolutely stunning. From the epic battle scenes to the intricate sets and costumes, everything is expertly crafted to create a believable and immersive world. Almost 20 years later, the special effects are top-notch, and the cinematography exemplary.

But what really makes The Chronicles of Riddick stand out is the charismatic and intense performance from Vin Diesel. He embodies the character of Riddick with a quiet intensity that is both captivating and terrifying. He is a force to be reckoned with, as is his presence on screen. Equal parts badass and enigmatic. Diesel delivers a performance that is both intense and nuanced, perfectly capturing the character's complex nature.

The film's world-building is intriguing, with incredible attention to detail given to the various alien races and cultures that inhabit this vast universe. From the gritty, urban landscapes of the prison planet Crematoria to the lush, jungle-like world of Helion Prime, each location feels fully realized and alive. From intense hand-to-hand combat scenes to thrilling spaceship dogfights, there's never a dull moment in this film.

Overall, The Chronicles of Riddick is a visually stunning and action-packed movie that will appeal to fans of the science-fiction genre. Diverging from the first film, The Chronicles of Riddick was a disappointment at the box office, but has since developed a cult following. While it may not be a perfect film, it offers plenty of thrills and excitement, and Vin Diesel's performance as Riddick is a standout. If you enjoyed "Pitch Black" or are a fan of action-packed sci-fi movies, "The Chronicles of Riddick" is definitely worth checking out. Available for purchase and stream on most services.

In Retrospect ★★★☆☆